Oct 31, 2009

Oct 30, 2009

Happy Halloween.



trickk or treattt.

--btw; My school definately asked me to start up the school blogg Woot, Woot!!



"You know the truth by the way you feel. "
late night's on the phone, between all the jokes,spell checks,disagreements, "cute" name calling,your crazy UGLY laugh :D, and your pointless job :D, that you love ever so much..i want you to know that your always on my mind. <33
--all of this was inspired by india arie - Truth.

Oct 27, 2009

My Teenage Life As A College Student.

All pictures are from last weeek & last night! Dig in! :D
Updates i was bored so i decided to have a "ghetto" photoshoot lmao.

yeaaaaa, lol i was really bored & i realized that my camera takes some "okay" pictures hmm. thats good i think it could actually last me awhile, atlease til christmas.Hopefully.

Thisss is on of my NEWFOUNDLOVES,Coldstone. "Creamy Vanilla with spinkles." - nohomo lmao, but this shxXt is awesomme!

Theses Two Young Lad's would be my college friends.they've always got my back no matter what, :D and that's why they get a spot on my blog although they'll never read it lmao unless i tell them but yeaa it's gonna be here for a longgggggg time. Kapeesh?!

Oct 25, 2009


john Legend- he's amazing;His lyrics are great, everything has a meaning to it & you can relate to just about anything to his music,All the way back to ordinary people.Keep it up john legend.
"i try not to fall for make believe,but what is reality?".

that's one of my favorite quotes from his song "show me" and that has a good meaning to it as well.

The Maine-There great anyone that knows me, knows im there biggest fan! (: there f'n awesome.i was just telling my roomate a few minutes ago that im a stalker. haaa.
"Your in love with love, your not in love with him."

ahhhhh (:
the famous quote i said to a few people, a few times.lol basically it means you don't love me, you love, love. point blank.

thoes are songs that inspire me, here's the people.

Mother- i f'n loveeee you! your practically my everything.you give me hope that there's a tommorrow.you but me things that make me happy. your the greatest.

Gradmother-wowwwwwwwwwwww..Your the best grandmother a kid could ask for.i don't tell you how much i love you but i do. your amazing. i miss your grits,eggs,fried ham & toast. i miss when you call on me to do things and the ugly faces that i make and the misunderstood words i say under my breath & the
" i know ya hear meh."

when i don't reply.haaa i miss MY chair in your room when we sit and talk everynight before i went to sleep and when i complained to you how people would annoy the crap out of me.

father-you haven't been in my life much at all, but believe it or not your probaly one of my biggest inspirations, my goal is to not go down the same path, be great like the person you wanted to be.

Velle/Shanyce|Daisyy- F'n wowww. we been going through it since high school. we don't talk as much but you are my gardian angel,my heart gaurd and my twin! were just alike. we even think alike. you helped me through practically everything...from the girls that broke my heart or the hearts i broke, to school. i love you, and i miss the words
"you can do better"

even though it dosen't seem like much but your the reason why my standards are so high when it comes to realtionships thanks alot! :)

I just want to thank everyone that is in my life at this given moment, thanks everyone! your truley appriciated.

Oct 24, 2009

You had me at HELLO.

Sooooo, lately i been talking to this girl. She's Amazingg.i'm always thinking about her,she's kind,smart,funny,stylish and pretty. if i had a father in my day to day life he'd be proud of me.i can remeber it just like it was yesterday Aug.5,2009 (: my birthday, me & a few friends decided to go bowling i, i invited you but didn't think you were atcually gonna come...but you came through the door.i instanly stopped my conversation with nikki. My eyes brighten, and all 42 teeth shined.then you said HELLO, and every since then you've had my full attention since hello...


Oct 17, 2009

Halloweeen Horror Nights 2009!

Uhhhhhmainggggg :) Even though i lost my hat, & my cannon deleted all of it's pictures i still manged to have a blast! witha couple of my college friends! :D

Woww, The chainsaw people Are ALWAYS a plus! i love them every year it gets better & better & better! im looking foward to next year all ready!

this guy was freaking me the heck out! crazyyy :D Ahhhh can't wait to go again!

"A Royal Fairytale"

first off coronation "/ was f'n awesome. but all of my pictures got deleted on mistake out of my cannon. which pretty much sucked. i do have a few though & as i promised i would post some!being that i wa sin Royal Court haaa so much special treatment :). it was uhhhh-AMaaaazinggG! this wa smy date "Mrs.Freshman".

this wa sthe full royal court, everything went Awesome though. i was a tad bit nervous but yeaa. it was my First coronation & truley not my last!

The wholeee them of coronation was "A Royal Fairytale" & they did a great job! i was amused the whole time & just awe'd by the decorations.

&& this happens to be the queeen of Florida Memorial Univerty Miss. Ebony F. Johnson!

Oct 10, 2009

Thrifty Couture.--Upscale Resale.

Soooo since i never really mention my mom on my blogs i decided to today.i love this lady with everything i have. ;).

Thrifty Couture--Upscale resale AKA the shop BKA My Mother and Aunts game.
they both own this store. and it's been really good. it's been open since july first and buisnness has been tremendous! check it outt!

so now for everyone that asks me "what does your mom do for a living?"
hereeee you go.

531 S.OBT Apopka Florida.
407 880 6373.

Tonights the BIG night!


SIR SHAWN E. SMITH--My stage name. haaa pictures will be posted. lots of them!