Apr 28, 2010

#nowplaying -Quickly, by John legend. Fet. Brandy

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Holocaust Memorial Visit.

soo, yesterday i went to visit the " Holocaust Memorial " in Miami Fl.... it was amazingg! The time it took to build that place. i took alot of photos..butt the reason i went to visit was for my African American history Class presentation that i just finished doing not to long ago,but check out the photo's and visit if your in the area.
 all the words on the walls....are names all 6 million of them.

this was really sad as well, these are children. crying for help.

of the figures were life size, they were amazing & quite touching!

The Memorial is surrounded by black water, it was like an island...
This is inside the circle, and the figures of the sculpture.
all humans :(

if you want to visit or even contact them here's the information 
1933-1945 Meridian Avenue, Miami Beach, FL 33139
Phone: 305 538 1663 - Fax: 305 538 2423
Hours: 9:00AM - 9:00PM Daily

Apr 25, 2010

Back in the Day, when it didn't matter.

Damn - i changed a alot since this picture, i don't wear sneakers much anymore, i don't know the number of the Jordan's or when they come out. i don't wear chains, i broke that mirror.. good thing i don't believe in bad luck. *Kanye Shrug.

Apr 23, 2010

Life. Sweet Dream, or Beautiful Nightmare.

Life. Sweet Dream, or Beautiful Nightmare. 
& i hope it rains, your the Perfect lullaby.
i wanna take this time to Welcome all of my new followers, it really means alot to me that you guys still took the time to check out my blog...while i was gone on a break, i just needed some to to myself. i really missed it though. if you follow me on twitter, you'll know then haha. well. Life has been CRAZY this past month. did a lot of stuff. i Met New people & Went to Walt Disney World. it was GREAT. no lines. we went to ALL the parks, thats whats made it fun! The Semester is Almost over. just a couple weeks left. i'm stoked! but im staying in miami for the summer. ;) well here's a few flicks & stuff, you know "since i've been gone."
this was before Splash Mountain. - most boring ride ever. i hated it.

Davis & Patrickkk, haha my nigga! follow him @ibepatrick

Rockin' Roller Coaster, it was the BEST ride, nice take off!

the Tree of life, At Animal Kingdom, not a good picture. 

& Of course, ME. :] after splash Mountain, i was soaked. 

:] overall the disney trip was spectacular. 
BBL, Thanks!

Apr 7, 2010

Hiatus Reason....

Hey everyone, first i want to thank you ALL for following my blog. it really means a lot to me. BUTTT, i have decided to go on  a break for a awhile.. well honestly i don't know how long... i've just been so busy with school and stuff and clearly have lost all inspiration.. PLEASE leave comments and ideas thanks 
Thanks again, - homeworkk. 
Twitter: @cooliofressh
if you wanna keep in touch, im always on twiiter.