John Legend will alwayss is a really big hero to me, i love how all of his songs flow and are just so mellow... if your not a fan you should listen.
A blog that contains serious and life changing events that I have occurred in my life. Thank you all for your support and follows. - Cooliofressh
Feb 26, 2010
Heaven Only Knows...
I love this song, and never knew it had a video until i bought it off itunes last night, it's 1.99$ WTF, its worth every bit of it though im sure of it. BUY it.
John Legend will alwayss is a really big hero to me, i love how all of his songs flow and are just so mellow... if your not a fan you should listen.
John Legend will alwayss is a really big hero to me, i love how all of his songs flow and are just so mellow... if your not a fan you should listen.
Hey everyone. sorry i really haven't been updating much at all. it's just a lot going on with my life. school is okay, just been doing SO much homework.. it's crazy being ironic my blogs name is " Homework lol.. SPRING BREAK is in less than 2 weeks! can't wait soo many plans! welll thanks everyone! sorry for the lack of creativity....
took this today, it was FREEZING this morning!
Feb 23, 2010
I hate english.
I stayed up til four o'clock in the damn morning doing homework, and I still got a fucking 61. What the fuck. I'm done.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Feb 18, 2010
New Inspiration!
i'm thinking about a all NEW Pure look too my blogg, like sidewalks,clouds,grass,cement,wood & just a whole new theme! look out for it later tonight.
Feb 17, 2010
Feb 13, 2010
Feb 12, 2010
Feb 9, 2010
Vision Board - May Dreams Come True.
Vision Board, this post was inspired by a Good Friend. Thanks!
A Visual display of long term achievements and DREAMS!
all of these clips mean something to me.
Homecomingg :)
Homecomingg, at Florida Memorial University
as most of guys are probably wondering, " why is there homecoming so late, isn't it suppose be like October?" welllll, technically yess but my school doesn't have a football team, (well until 2012) so we celebrate basketball . this week is gonna be full of excitement, including Pleasure P , and a few More artist! pictures will be posted as the week progresses Keep sliding through for more pictures! & i also wanna thank all of you guys for keeping up with my blog, and following it really means loads! thankss!
Tuesday Febuary 9, 2010 Yard Show!
Feb 8, 2010
Adventures In Marine Science :]
Me & Michelle :] i miss her a lot, all of our second period Adventures and whatnot, I'll never forget it .
& i just liked how the pictures came thank you cannon.
Feb 6, 2010
Everything's Eventual
" Everythings Eventual " By, Jason Reeves "
Brids are bullets from flower guns, ships are anchors.
will our love live on...
Feb 4, 2010
Happy One Year! :D
omggg, it's been a year :) & I'm so proud of myself for actually keeping up with this.. my blog has really became a major part of my life. i would die if i lost this. thanks for ALL of your comments! i try my best to reply to everyone of them! well thanks again! and continue to show support! thanks you guys!!
Definition of Blog.
Hello, welp, i finally took the time out & did a new banner.. this one actually took me alot longer than usual. & I'm very proud of it for some reason! tell me what you think!
Blog - MY BRAIN everything that flows through my veins, i don't re-blog SHIT because it isn't my thoughts. i hate tumbler because it defeats the purpose.
Blog - MY BRAIN everything that flows through my veins, i don't re-blog SHIT because it isn't my thoughts. i hate tumbler because it defeats the purpose.
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